Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Back to the drawing board...

Well, after two weeks of being more or less out of town (a few days spent in town inbetween trips,) I'm back and the gears are cranking again! Some quick news, followed by sketches done this morning and on the plane trips...

If you've been following this blog for a bit, you know I've been working on a comic called Border Crossings. Well, we currently have a website up and running, which you can find over at Currently, we have the pitch up there, but as we get closer to June, the site will be transformed to support the webcomic, and we'll be updating it with new pages from the first issue.

Why June? Because we'll be at Heroes con and we want everything to be up in time so we can show off the goods and point as many people as we can to our product, that's why! We'll be having a table there, and as time goes on, I'll give out the details for that.

So for now, here's some sketches. One of them had my precious speedball pen vomit all over it, so just don't mind that. I think it was going through the same pressure stuff I had on the plane, cause my eyes felt like they were going to pop outta the head from sinus times, this allergy season.

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