Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bringing you up to speed...

All of my internet sketchbooks (including this blog!) Are seriously out of whack in terms of pieces being here's a big old art dump to try and get everything back on the same page.


matt kohr said...

First off, these studies are fantastic. And secondly, thanks for the thoughtful post on ctrlPaint! great ideas - I might have to start working those into my own daily routine :)

Andrew said...

Thanks Matt! I've been meaning to do a blogpost about those warmups for some time now, but whenever anything involves having to scan artwork in, I'm extremely sluggish about it...thanks in no part to my slowly dying mustek.

If you ever get a chance, I urge you to check out Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching workshop on CGMA - that's what spurred me to start doing those warmups.